QUALITY STORY: Our pure maple syrup is carefully selected to ensure the product you receive is of the highest quality. With our strict quality standards, we can trace every drop of syrup from farm to table.
SOURCED SUSTAINABLY: Our dedication at Butternut Mountain Farm is to provide you with genuine Vermont maple syrup. Our partnering farmers are knowledgeable about maple and support our goal of preserving the well-being and longevity of our forests.
FLAVOR PROFILE: The darker the syrup, the stronger the flavor. Our Grade A Dark Color, Robust Taste maple syrup is the darkest grade available, providing a strong and hearty maple flavor. Great for all around use including table top and cooking.
FLAVOR PROFILE: The darker the syrup, the stronger the flavor. Our Grade A Dark Color, Robust Taste maple syrup is the darkest grade available, providing a strong and hearty maple flavor. Great for all around use including table top and cooking.